The Last five years have seen a huge increase in the use and popularity of online video. All the major social media platforms have embraced video and YouTube has become the second biggest search engine behind its big brother Google.
Affordable video for small businesses.
Historically video production has been very expensive which has largely ruled it out as an option for smaller enterprises. However, we at Simply Digital Media firmly believe that good quality video should be available to all, and therefore we are able to offer video solutions which are tailored to meet the needs of the small business.
The video production process...
STEP 1: The Brief
STEP 2: Agree an Idea/Concept
STEP 3: Develop the Storyboard
STEP 4: Create the Production Plan
STEP 5: Filming
STEP 6: Create & Review the First Edit
STEP 7: Create the Final Cut
STEP 8: Distribution
What type of videos do we produce?
Information Films
Product Films
Advert / Promotional Films
'Explainer' Films
But why is video so popular?
Well, quite simply, online users are more comfortable watching a video to gain the information they need than they are reading through pages of text. The online world is increasingly impatient and delivering information through video is the quickest and most engaging way for it to be consumed.
Why should you be using video in your business?
The answer to this is your customers are growing to expect it.
Current statistics demonstrate that the appetite for online video is growing at an enormous rate. This is supported by the latest stats from YouTube which currently has 30 million visitors per day who, between them, watch 5 billion videos - 1 billion of which are viewed on mobile devices.
In a nutshell, all of our potential customers and clients are increasingly looking to video to provide them with the answers to their questions and solutions to their problems.
Example: Engaging viewers and telling your story...
This video was produced for Velofresh to help tell the story of their cycling product, what it does and why it was developed.
Call Piers now on 07881 900337 for a free informal discussion